Tuesday, May 26, 2009

graffoto: photorealistic graffiti to make you drool AMAZING!!

graffoto: photorealistic graffiti to make you drool

[this page contains a lot of pictures. apologies if your computer cries due to the hard work but i'd rather that happen than have to split the fucker into seperate pages, resulting in the annoying kind of multi-page article i personally cannot stand. thanks]

a huge amount of people don't realise just how artistically and technically incredible graffiti can be these days, and a depressingly large section of society still believe this kind of street art consists purely of text and tags, crudely sprayed onto public toilet walls. after seeing a piece by belin here in manchester, i've spent the past year or so pretty much addicted to the subject of photorealistic graffiti (aka graffoto), whether it be on walls, floors or canvas, and thought i'd point you in the direction of some incredible artists and collectives. the fact that these people are able to produce designs of this quality using a spraycan absolutely astounds me and i have a huge amount of respect for all those who manage it.

where possible i've included links to the artist's website/myspace/flickr page but in some cases i'm still unaware of them. if you happen to know any that i've missed, let me know and i'll add them. also, if i haven't included a 'photo source' link it means the picture is from the artist's site.

onto the talent.

1. belin

2. ma'claim

3. tasso

4. herakut

5. fate

6. neve

7. trans

8. berok

pretty good huh?

it's maybe worth noting that ma'claim (no.2) is a collective of graffiti artists of which tasso (no.3) and akut (one half of herakut, no.4) are members. tasso was also the person originally responsible for the word 'graffoto'.

these 8 are just the tip of an exquisitely sprayed iceberg - i'll post some other artists' work in the near future.

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nrich123's avatar

nrich123 · 2 weeks ago

Thankyou for these photos. The graffitii you show here are certainly somewhat more sophisticated than the repetitive barely legible 'signatures' - I guess these are what you refer to as 'tags' - that blight my daily journey into London.
But that is setting the bar pretty low. These works are derivative and banal, and in some cases poorly executed -herakut's goateed man has a serious disfigurement. And presumably they are subject to the same criticism of all graffiti -- they are a defacement of someone else's property. It's somewhat illuminating, isn't it, that of all the millions of people who own their own house, not one has acted on the desire to spraypaint their own fence or wall. These 'artists' of stolen space are scarcely treading new ground.
5 replies · active 2 weeks ago
banal?! incredible, i literally couldn't disagree with you more. these designs are unique and inspired and for someone to label them as banal makes absolutely no sense to me, even when that someone seemingly has a problem with the artform itself. and as for herakut's work being poorly executed, i think you're either completely missing the point or successfully attempting to wind me up. if i wasn't so sure that you'll never like this kind of shit i'd suggest you check out their work on flickr here. the subjects they feature are painted beautifully and while aspects of their work offer a skewed view of reality, they are all executed amazingly well.

re: legalities, you presume incorrectly. not all graffiti is illegal and i'm almost certain that all of these pieces have either been sprayed on property with prior consent, commissioned by the property-owners themselves (imagine that!) or sprayed onto canvas. unless they stole the canvas before they started i see no problem.

finally, i'd love to know where you found this statistic: 'of all the millions of people who own their own house, not one has acted on the desire to spraypaint their own fence or wall'. i'll bet you all the spraypaint in the world that this is extremely far from the truth.
Well, at any rate SOME people like their houses painted... that's why they have all those painted monasteries in Romania. :-)

e.g. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Biserica_Arbore... .
nice photo.

too many people seem scared to break from the norm. 'hang on. you've got money and you didn't buy a bare-walled mcmansion? you filthy pig'.

i'd pay good money for graffiti of the quality seen above to be painted on my house.
just as a sidenote, in response to Graffiti painting on houses,


Kelburn Castle Scotland, cant remember if youve featured this before or not
these pics are a surrealist nightmare
another awesome post DD, and a very well written response to the close minded and offensive comment left by nrich123.

I for one would be honoured to have art of this caliber on any property that i own, I will also say that stating tags are "setting the bar pretty low" is a ridiculous statement, sure a quick scrawl on a bare wall is nothing amazing, but some of the most impressive graffiti art that i have seen has been the tags dreamt up by these artists.

I guess its all down to personal opinion and everyone is entitled to their own, but no matter where these pieces of art are and the legality of their creation, you cant deny the massive amount of talent displayed by these artists, keep it up
1 reply · active 2 weeks ago
you speak sense mr k. we should become friends.
Sometimes I watch the freight trains go by here.Some of the box cars have some really nice art on them.Lots of them say where they are from(Canada,Texas,Minnisota etc) and it seems they are basically talking to each other in an art form lol.
Never mind the negative comments.

Van Gogh also got his share when he was still alive.
Most of this is pure brilliance.
thank you for this overview of great photorealistic graffiti artists!

Here is a link to more photos of the art of herakut and their drawings in Nuremberg!
Ronseal's marketing team are obviously slipping. Their message hasn't got to nrich123 who comments "It's somewhat illuminating, isn't it, that of all the millions of people who own their own house, not one has acted on the desire to spraypaint their own fence or wall." They must be gutted after spending all that money on advertising http://www.ronseal.co.uk/howto/fence_spray.jsp
@ nrich 123
Almost every piece you see from (for example) Belin is done on commission (it's the man's job, Can you believe that?!)... Check this movie (outrages movie of this 'vandal' Belin who trashes a school wall. Unbelievable none of the teachers stopped him...): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iktoMSVPqyg&fe...

Even crazier: these vandals had the time to illegally (quote: It's somewhat illuminating, isn't it, that of all the millions of people who own their own house, not one has acted on the desire to spraypaint their own fence or wall.) paint almost an entire building!!!

Sorry for my bad English.
quality, I like this, I saw something like this on http://www.hire-a-graffiti-artist.co.uk It maybe the same?

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